
Matt’s Social Card

Matt’s Social Card Description: This post is the map of where you can find me across the platforms I’m on Discord: MatthewtheMage1248#0816 Facebook Tumblr My Website My Wishlists Matthew the Mage's Other Content Creators YouTube Playlists YouTube Tag(s): The Sanctuary of Matthew the Mage

Matt’s Wishlists

Matt’s Wishlists Description: This post is where I have my wishlists, so if anyone wants to get me anything and is curious of what I’m interested in this is a great place to start. Amazon Board Games Books Harry Potter Tools TTRPG Visual Media Log of Interests: This is to serve as a running list of topics that I am and have studied/worked with and I am interested in for those that are curious to see what I am up to. Date Topic(s) 12/10/2024 Astral Astrology Candle Magic Chaos Magic Color Magic Deity Work Apollo Athena Hecate Horned One Morrighan Divination Geomancy Runes Scrying Tarot Numer...

TikTok Response: Abilities

TikTok Response: Abilities Description An idea I’ve been working has been a self invocation from the structure in the book Chaos Magic by Andrieh Vitimus Chapter 25 Section Practical Examples: Invocation Via Third -> Second -> First Person yet rewording the invocation to invoke yourself and this can help to work around the psychic censor and reopen us to our abilities. Tag(s): The Sanctuary of Matthew the Mage

Matthew's Book Musings

Matthew's Book Musings Description This post will be where I will keep a running list of books that I will be working out of. I will be including a link to where you can get yourself a copy of the book alongside the link to my virtual workbook of each book. Come along if you'd like. Rebel Witch: Carve the Craft That's Yours Alone by Kelly-Ann Maddox Workbook Get it Tag(s): The Sanctuary of Matthew the Mage

Rebel Witch Workbook

Rebel Witch Workbook Description This post is where I will be logging my progress through the book Rebel Witch: Carve the Craft That's Yours Alone by Kelly-Ann Maddox Chapter 1: What does "Witch" really mean? Write It What are the various reasons that someone might be fearful or uncertain about claiming the word “witch” for themselves? {Maddox, Kelly-Ann. Rebel Witch (p. 13). Watkins Media. Kindle Edition.} As I sit here and read this quetion and really absorb and do my best to answer it from my lens in life, I seen a little fly just landed right on my desk and I had the urge to look it up and see what kind of advice it brought me, well I wasn't disappointed. I found that one source states that The Fly can represent malice, hate or blame in one's life. Which all in all is quite a great answer for this question, because being a ...

Five Differences

Five Differences Description: This is a very useful in-the-moment self protection. Source: Johnson, Julie Tallard. Teen Psychic: Exploring Your Intuitive Spiritual Powers (Kindle Locations 2891-2898). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.  Five Differences: Another simple, in-the-moment strategy for protecting yourself in a negative encounter with someone is to focus on identifying five physical differences between you and the other person. Simply name these five differences to yourself. “Jane has blue eyes and I have green. She is taller than I am. I sing in the choir and she does not.” This helps you to be in your own space and to successfully differentiate yourself from the other person. You are less likely to take on her stuff, her negative energy, when you take control of your thoughts this way. I find it gives me something else to “listen” to instead of the criticism or the blaming that the other person may be engaging in. It also helps keep your energy ...