

This post is all about me, usually I'm not one for talking about myself so this is going to prove interesting.

✨Witchy Asks✨


❕ - Got you interested in magick?
Truth be told, what got me interested in magick and specifically being a witch was the fact that the craft accepts and welcomes all parts of a person, both their virtues and their vices. The craft also can teach a person how to follow their gut instincts and really tap into the little voice inside, and from my experience, what a person likes, for example, colors, numbers, letters, songs, animals, plants rocks, and so on, hold a lot of power for the person in question and if nothing else, can teach the person how to call on and use the power within themselves.
For example, I love the colors green and blue, and I'd have to say that one of my favorite songs has to be Double Double, as performed by the Hogwarts Frog Choir conducted by Professor Flitwick, and to me these two colors and song remind me of the place where I find the most power and the most comfort, Hogwarts, which for me is my axis mundi.

๐Ÿ‘† -Type of witch are you?
I would have to say that I am an eclectic pop-culture chaotic witch, I know this sounds like a lot and frankly that is completely okay by me. I have the right and the ability to call myself whatever I choose without having to verify it with another person, because as a witch, I sign off on each and everything I do. I'm the one who must answer for my actions, nobody else is responsible for me. That is truly a rather empowering mindset.

๐Ÿ” - Is your craft centered around?
Peeling back the layers of my craft and looking at the skeleton of my craft, I'd have to say that it is centered around the Wizarding World for my information gathering and organization, spellcraft, potions and all around magic, yet with a focus on and through divination.

๐Ÿ’ฐ - Does magick do for you personally?
For me, this question has some great angles I could take it on, yet for right now, I'm going to go with the angle of empowerment, magick has shown me that everything is magic, and everything can be manipulated by a simple thought, or even by a simple emotion. I have found that by simply focusing on the fact that I and I alone am in charge of what is or isn't possible for me, I have found that I can do some really interesting things, and the only limits there are would be the ones I apply myself. I do know that sounds super cliche, yet, over time I have found it to be true. For example, whenever the weather outside is frightful (yes a wintery jingle), I have a ritual I use which allows me to focus on the windows of the building I'm in as basically smart screens and all I do is in the ritual I simply open the energetic server room of the building, and I reprogram the smart screens to show my desired weather, and surprisingly enough I've witnessed the surrounding weather change within reason to match my desire.

๐Ÿ™ - Deities do you work with? If any?
Yes, I do work with deities and they are as follows:

Public Consensus
  • Celtic
    • Morrighan
  • Greek
    • Apollo
    • Artemis
    • Athena
    • Demeter
    • Dionysus
    • Hades
    • Hecate
    • Hermes
    • Persephone
    • Poseidon

Pop Culture
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Charmed
  • D&D
  • Disney
    • Aladdin
    • Halloweentown
    • Little Mermaid
    • Sophia The First
  • Harry Potter
  • Sabrina

⚡ - Kind(s) of divination do you do?

  • Public Consensus
    • Cards
      • Playing Cards
      • Tarot
    • Dice
    • Dreams
    • Runes
  • Personally Developed
    • Gaming
๐Ÿ’ซ - Is your zodiac sign?
My Sun Sign: Virgo
My Moon Sign: Taurus
My Rising Sign: Pisces

❌ - Type of spell or magick will you never do?
Honestly, I'd have to say I will never cast baneful magic just for the sake of being baneful. I always try every other option if I can before resorting to baneful magic.

๐Ÿ† - Was your most successful spell?
I have quite a few spells that I have had reliable results with, yet, my About Me sections have proven to be the most successful and reliable

๐Ÿ‘Ž - Was the worst way a spell backfired?

๐Ÿ˜ฑ - Experience did you have that convinced you magick is real?
The earliest experience that I can remember having that convinced me that magick is real was when I cast a light spell and it made the clouds part and the sun to really freaking shine.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿซ- Type of magick are you currently learning about?
Date: 10/18/20
  • Augur Magic
  • Enchanting
  • Transfiguration

๐Ÿ“– - Is in your grimoire?
As of 10/18/20

๐ŸŒˆ - Is the most unique thing on your altar?
Lego Pieces

❓ - Is the weirdest question you’ve gotten as a witch? Even from other witches?
This one

๐Ÿ”ฅ - Element do you relate to/work with the most?
Earth, nature, technology

Have you:

๐Ÿ‘ป - Ever had an experience with a spirit/been haunted?
Yes to both

๐Ÿงš‍♀️ - Ever had an experience with the fae?
Yes quite a bit

๐ŸŒŒ Ever tried astral projection?

☠ - Cursed someone?

๐Ÿ’— - Done a love spell?

๐ŸŽ - Done a spell for someone else?

๐Ÿ’ญ - Told anyone you’re a witch?

๐Ÿฑ - Found a familiar?
Yes, my brother

๐Ÿค - Found a friend who’s also into witchcraft?

๐Ÿ™‹‍♀️ - Gotten someone you know interested in magick?

๐Ÿ“ž - Ever had direct contact with a spirit or deity?
Yes, several

✍ - Written your own spell?
Yes, I use half mine and half others

๐ŸŒ - Enchanted something?

Do you:

๐Ÿ‘ญ - Practice in a coven?
Kind of, it's more of an open coven

๐Ÿ”ช - Use traditional tools? Like an athame?

⭕ - Celebrate the wheel of the year?
I do my best to at least recognize it

๐Ÿšช - Like doing magick outside?

๐Ÿ’– - Practice magick that is culturally significant to you?

๐Ÿ”ฎ - Have any psychic abilities?


✨ - Type of spell?
Any and all

๐ŸŒฟ- Herb?

๐Ÿ’Ž- Crystal?

➕ -Spell ingredient?

๐ŸŒบ - Essential oil?

๐Ÿƒ - Tarot/Oracle deck?/Card?
Tarot: The Magician

๐Ÿ•ฏ - Candle color?

๐ŸŒท - Flower?

๐ŸŒฒ Tree type?

๐Ÿต - Tea flavor?
Dropsit Teas

๐Ÿ - Season?

๐ŸŽ‰ - Sabbat?

๐Ÿ“ƒ - Page of your grimoire?

๐ŸŽต - Witchy song/album? 
Double Double Toil & Trouble by the Frog Choir

๐Ÿ“š - Witchy book?
Harry Potter

๐ŸŽฅ - Witchy movie?
Harry Potter

This Or That:

๐ŸŽด - Tarot or Oracle cards?
I have a stronger affiliation to tarot cards, due to the structured guidelines and that helps me with my path as a witch.

๐Ÿ”ฃ - Jar spells or Sigils? 
Currently I favor sigils because they are so versatile and user friendly.

๐Ÿฅค - Coffee or Tea?
I think for the time being tea is my favorite

๐Ÿ’ง- Sun or Moon water?

๐ŸŒฑ - Lavender or Sage?

๐ŸŒ• - Magick at night? Or during the day?
Honestly, I work with the sun for manifestation, glamours and things of that nature and the moon for protection and spirit work and the like.

๐ŸŒณ - Forests or Oceans?
I have to say forests are my home.

๐Ÿ’€- Jinxes/Hexes/Curses?

♥ - Love Spells?

⛅- Weather magick?

๐Ÿ˜• - Something popular in witchcraft you dislike/don’t do?

๐Ÿฃ - Do you think it’s possible to be born a witch?

๐Ÿค” - Thoughts on Wicca?
It's a possible path for people to follow

Harry Potter Creature Themed Asks
  1. Ashwinder: Have you ever had a really bad burn? Where? 
    • Yes in my heart
  2. Basilisk: What experiences have you had with snakes?
    • I had one draped around me in the first grade and it was awesome, and I even used a snake-vanishing spell to vanish a person acting like a snake
  3. Billywig: Would you rather be able to levitate or be consistently giddy?
    • Levitate
  4. Blast-Ended Skrewt: What creatures would you breed in order to make a brand new hybrid
    • Augurey = Weather prediction
    • Bowtruckle = Tree Guardian nature
    • Demiguise = Invisibility by choice and seeing the next likeable possibilities
    • Phoenix = Tears and Rebirth
  5. Boggart: Worst fear/phobia?
    • My brothers disowning me
  6. Bowtruckle: Do you have attachment issues?
    • Yes
  7. Bundimun: On a scale of 1 to Bundimun infestation, how clean is your room?
    • About a 5/8.
  8. Centaur: How connected to nature are you?
    • Very much so
  9. Chimaera: Would you rather have lions head or a dragons tail?
    • Both
  10. Clabbert: How good are you at sensing a bad situation coming?
    • I honestly don’t think I am, however, my awesome kid brother, Koda, is and we are rather close
  11. Demiguise: How wise are you?
    • I like to think very
  12. Diricawl: If you could teleport to anywhere in the world where would it be?
    • To my big brother Rob’s as long as my little bother’s and family could be there too
  13. Doxy: Have you ever been mistaken for anyone?
    • Yes, quite a few times
  14. Dragon: What is something you horde?
    • Books, books, and books
  15. Erkling: What is your favorite dark fairytale?
    • Cinderella
  16. Erumpent: How would you attract a mate?
    • Just by being me
  17. Fairy: What’s one physical feature you take really good care of?
    • My brain
  18. Fire crab: If you had a gem encrusted shell what would it look like?
    • Everchanging to suit my need
  19. Flitterby: What’s a tune you always find yourself humming?
    • Double, Double, Toil and Trouble by the Frog Choir
  20. Flobberworm: Have you ever felt as useless as a flobberworm?
    • Yes, sadly by muggles
  21. Fwooper: Have you ever sung so much that your friends/family have threatened to kill you?
    • No
  22. Ghoul: Is there something you do that really annoys people?
    • Yes, tell my brother to be quiet
  23. Giant Squid: Favorite Hogwarts creature?
    • Hogwarts itself
  24. Glumbumble: What’s something that makes you really melancholy?
    • Thinking about my earth father
  25. Golden Snidget: Google “Ancient Sports Facts” and tell us the one you find most interesting.
    • Pankration: While today we have MMA, the Ancient Greeks had something known as Pankration, which was something like a free-for-all hand to hand fight that mixed boxing, kicking, and wrestling.
  26. Graphorn: If you were one of the last mating humans in existence who would you want as your mate?

  27. Griffin: If you could chose a creature as a guardian, which one would it be?
    • My otter
  28. Grindylow: What’s something about the ocean that scares you?
    • Nothing I love the great big blue
  29. Hippogriff: Who is someone you have the upmost respect for?
    • My family
  30. Horklump: Do you like mushrooms?
    • Yes, they make great resources
  31. Jarvey: What is your favorite comeback?
    • That the haters are just jealous
  32. Jobberknoll: What would be the last thing you say before you die?
    • I’ll be right back
  33. Kelpie: If you could take any form what would it be?
    • Of a cat
  34. Knarl: How touchy about food are you?
    • I am a bit
  35. Kneazle: What do you think about cats?
    • I love them
  36. Leprechaun: How Irish are you?
    • By blood 50% by heart 10000000%
  37. Mackled Malaclaw: What’s the most unlucky thing that’s ever happened to you?
    • I had to work with people who are small-minded
  38. Manticore: If you could chose one of your body parts, when touched, to cause instant death, what body part would it be?
    • My brain
  39. Merpeople: On a scale of “Out of Water to In Water”, how good is your singing?
    • In water
  40. Moke: Would you rather shrink at will or grow at will?
    • Both
  41. Mooncalf: How adorable are you?
    • My friends and loved ones think a lot but I don’t see it
  42. Murtlap: Are you a biter?
    • Maybe a little
  43. Niffler: What’s your favorite shiny thing?
    • My Patronus
  44. Occamy: Were you a fussy child?
    • A little bit yes
  45. Phoenix: Do you believe in reincarnation?
    • Oh definitely yes
  46. Pixie: Do you like to play tricks on people?
    • Only in love but yes
  47. Pogrebin: Have you ever been followed by someone before?
    • Yes, on many planes
  48. Porlock: Have you ever been horseback riding before?
    • Oh yes and I loved it
  49. Pygmy Puff: What is the cutest animal in your opinion?
    • My animagus form, my cat
  50. Re'em: If you could have super strength for one hour what would you do with it?
    • Change it to magical prowess and strength
  51. Runespoor: Are you a planner, a dreamer, or a critic?
    • A bit of all three to be honest
  52. Shrake: Do you enjoy fishing?
    • I like the peace and quiet, however, hurting animals is not my cup of tea, that’s why I like to fish in the astral.
  53. Sphinx: What one question would you want answered most in the world?
    • Why aren’t there more books about playing with magic?
  54. Streeler: Would you, given the choice, make your skin change color every hour?
    • If I could choose the color yes.
  55. Swooping Evil: In what way are you often misunderstood?
    • I am often found entertaining the devil’s advocate for the sake of understanding whatever topic I’m handling.
  56. Tebo: If you could make yourself invisible, what would you do?
    • Go for a walk and spook people
  57. Thestral: Whose death has shaken you most in the last year?
    • Stan Lee
  58. Three-Headed Dog: What’s something you guard with your life?
    • My family
  59. Troll: What’s one really stupid thing you’ve done?
    • Tried to give an old boss a chance
  60. Thunderbird: What’s your favorite type of weather?
    • Any especially magically charged weather
  61. Unicorn: Are you a virgin?
    • Yes I am in the respects of how my Matron Goddess, Athena, is a virgin goddess, in reference to the original definition of virginity.
  62. Werewolf: Is there something about your life or yourself that you can’t control?
    • Yes, my love of Harry Potter and I wouldn’t want to change or control it because it is quite the entity.
Harry Potter Spell Themed Ask:
  1. Accio : If you could summon anything in the world right now what would it be?
    • A home for my family
  2. Aguamenti: Do you like water?
    • Yes
  3. Alohomora: Can you and have you, ever picked a lock?
    • Yes
  4. Anapneo: Are you CPR certified?
    • No
  5. Aparecium: On of a scale of Mr. Bean to 007 how much of a spy are you?
    • A bit yes
  6. Avada Kedavra: If you could kill one single person, who would it be?
    • The man who is trying to harm my baby
  7. Avis: What’s your favorite kind of bird?
    • Owl
  8. Brachiabindo: Have you ever been tied up before? What was the circumstance?

  9. Capacious Extremis: If you could make one object bigger on the inside, what would the object be?
  10. Cave Inimicum: You’ve got to fortify your room from zombies with only objects you have readily available. What do you use?
  11. Colloportus: Have you ever locked yourself out of your own house before? If so, what did you do?
  12. Confringo: Have you ever accidentally set fire to something?
  13. Confundo : What confuses you most about the world?
  14. Crucio: What’s the worst pain you’ve ever been in?
  15. Deletrius: What’s the last thing that you did besides this?
  16. Densaugeo: What’s the most extensive thing you’ve been to the dentist for?
  17. Deprimo: Have you ever been knocked over by the wind before?
  18. Descendo: What’s been a low point in your life?
  19. Diffindo: When was the last time you ripped and article of clothing?
  20. Engorgio: What’s the worst case of swelling you’ve ever experience?
  21. Episkey: If you could heal anyone in the world right now, who would it be?
  22. Expecto Patronum: What’s your happiest memory?
  23. Expelliarmus: Have you ever had to disarm someone? If so, why?
  24. Expulso: Have you ever made something explode? Explain how and why?
  25. Ferula: Have you ever had to wear a brace? What happened?
  26. Flagrate: If you could write one thing in the sky, what would it be?
  27. Flipendo: Have you ever fallen down stairs before?
  28. Fulgari: If you could be bond to one person, who would it be?
  29. Furnunculus: How bad was your acne as a teenage?
  30. Geminio: If you could have a single copy of something, anything, what would it be?
  31. Glisseo: Water slide or playground slide?
  32. Impedimenta: You can stop one person from coming near you, ever, like a permanent, unbreakable restraining order, who is it?
  33. Imperio: You can have one person be your slave for a day without repercussion, who?
  34. Impervius : In the middle of a storm would you rather have waterproof shoes, or a waterproof coat?
  35. Incarcerous: Have you ever tied someone up?
  36. Incendio: Do you like candles? If so, what’s your favorite smell?
  37. Langlock: You can stop one person in the world from speaking. Who is it?
  38. Legilimens: If you had the power to read minds for a day, would you use it?
  39. Locomotor: You can chose one object to follow you around, what is it?
  40. Lumos: Candle, Flashlight, Sunlight, Moonlight, or Bioluminescence?
  41. Meteolojinx Recanto: What’s your favorite type of weather?
  42. Mobiliarbus: What’s your dream garden?
  43. Molliare: Have you ever made a surprisingly soft landing when you were sure you’d break something? What happened?
  44. Morsmordre: What would your signal in the sky be to mark your presence?
  45. Muffliato: Have you ever eavesdropped on a conversation? What was it about?
  46. Nox: Were you/are you, afraid of the dark? Obliviate: What’s something you wish you could forget?
  47. Obscuro: What’s a kink that you have? What about it excites you?
  48. Oppugno: You’re about to be in a fight! The object directly to your left is what you have as a weapon! What is it and how would you use it?
  49. Orchideous: What’s your favorite flower? Pack: When’s the last time you did some packing?
  50. Petrificus Totalus: Have you ever been/felt paralyzed?
  51. Piertotum Locomotor: You can make one object in your current room come to life, what is it?
  52. Point Me: How easily do you get lost?
  53. Portus: What object would you turn into a portkey and where would it take you?
  54. Protego: You can protect one person from harm. Who?
  55. Quietus: When was the last time you yelled at someone?
  56. Reducio: What’s something you’d like to make bigger?
  57. Reducto: You’ve got one chance to explode something without an consequences. What is it?
  58. Rennervate: Have you ever passed out/fainted before? What happened?
  59. Reparo: What’s one thing you’d like to fix?
  60. Rictusempra: Where’s the most effective place to tickle you?
  61. Riddikulus: What’s your greatest fear? Do you think you’ll be able to overcome it?
  62. Scourgify: What’s something that you should clean up?
  63. Sectumsempra: Have you ever hurt someone? What happened?
  64. Serpensortia: Do you like snakes?
  65. Silencio: How much “quiet time” on average, do you need in a day?
  66. Sonorus: If you had a message you could say to the whole world. What would it be?
  67. Specialis Revelio: If you could have a magical property, what would it be?
  68. Stupefy: Do you think you’d be able to knock someone out?
  69. Tarantallegra: What’s your favorite kind of dance?
  70. Wingardium Leviosa: If you had the power of telekinesis, what would you do with it?

The Sanctuary of Matthew the Mage


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