Using Playing Cards As Tarot Cards
Using Playing Cards As Tarot Cards Description: This post is for using a standard 52 card deck to identify and work with a 72 card tarot deck Card 1: =Playing Cards: == =Tarot Card: == ===Keywords: ==== ===Meaning ==== Card 2: =Playing Cards: == =Tarot Card: == ===Keywords: ==== ===Meaning ==== Card 3: =Playing Cards: == =Tarot Card: == ===Keywords: ==== ===Meaning ==== Step 1: Find the first card on the following table A=AD-AC J=10D-10C S=6S-6H B=2D-2C K=JD-JC T=7S-7H C=3D-3C L=QD-QC U=8S-8H D=4D=-4C M=KD-KC V=9S-9H E=5D-5C N=AS-AH W=10S-10H F=6D-6C O=2S-2H X=JS-JH G=7D-7C P=3S-3H Y=QS-QH H=8D-8C Q=4S-4H Z=KS-KH I=9D-9C R=5S-5H Step 2: Find the second card on the following table ...