Using Playing Cards As Tarot Cards

Using Playing Cards As Tarot Cards

Description: This post is for using a standard 52 card deck to identify and work with a 72 card tarot deck

Card 1:
=Playing Cards:
=Tarot Card:
Card 2:
=Playing Cards:
=Tarot Card:
Card 3:
=Playing Cards:
=Tarot Card:

Step 1: Find the first card on the following table

A=AD-AC J=10D-10C S=6S-6H
B=2D-2C K=JD-JC T=7S-7H
C=3D-3C L=QD-QC U=8S-8H
D=4D=-4C M=KD-KC V=9S-9H
E=5D-5C N=AS-AH W=10S-10H
F=6D-6C O=2S-2H X=JS-JH
G=7D-7C P=3S-3H Y=QS-QH
H=8D-8C Q=4S-4H Z=KS-KH
I=9D-9C R=5S-5H

Step 2: Find the second card on the following table

Ace = 1 Upright 2 = 2 Reversed 3 = 3 Upright KD = Wild Card Upright
4 = 1 Reversed 5 = 2 Upright 6 = 3 Reversed KS = Wild Card Reversed
7 = 1 Upright 8 = 2 Reversed 9 = 3 Upright KC = Wild Card Upright
10 = 1 Reversed J = 2 Upright Q = 3 Reversed KH = Wild Card Reversed

Notes: You can either use the Kings as blank cards or draw another card or use the following Wild Card Concept:

*Wild Card = Any of the three of the corresponding letter of Step 3
            A - The Fool - 5 of Pentacles - 3 of Wands

Step 3: Find the letter on the following table to find the first coordinate:

A The Fool 5 of Pentacles 3 of Wands
B The Magician 6 of Pentacles 4 of Wands
C The High Priestess 7 of Pentacles 5 of Wands
D The Empress 8 of Pentacles 6 of Wands
E The Emperor 9 of Pentacles 7 of Wands
F The Hierophant 10 of Pentacles 8 of Wands
G The Lovers Page of Pentacles 9 of Wands
H The Chariot Knight of Pentacles 10 of Wands
I Strength Queen of Pentacles Page of Wands
J Hermit King of Pentacles Knight of Wands
K Wheel of Fortune Ace of Swords Queen of Wands
L Justice 2 of Swords King of Wands
M The Hanged Man 3 of Swords Ace of Cups
N Death 4 of Swords 2 of Cups
O Temperance 5 of Swords 3 of Cups
P The Devil 6 of Swords 4 of Cups
Q The Tower 7 of Swords 5 of Cups
R The Star 8 of Swords 6 of Cups
S The Moon 9 of Swords 7 of Cups
T The Sun 10 of Swords 8 of Cups
U Judgement Page of Swords 9 of Cups
V The World Knight of Swords 10 of Cups
W Ace of Pentacles Queen of Swords Page of Cups
X 2 of Pentacles King of Swords Knight of Cups
Y 3 of Pentacles Ace of Wands Queen of Cups
Z 4 of Pentacles 2 of Wands King of Cups

Step 4: Use the number from Step 2 to identify the second coordinate and the direction that the card is facing.

Example Readings:
Example One Card Reading:
  • Playing Cards
    • Card 1:
      • 7S
    • Card 2:
      • AD
  • Tarot Card & Direction:
    • The Sun (Upright)



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